Friday, January 22, 2010

And They Call it Puppy Love...

There is a reason they make puppies so you keep matter what they get into. Even when you give them a bath and they're all fluffy and wonderful and you let them outside for 5 minutes alone and they discover their first mud puddle.

And you look outside and think, didn't I have a yellow lab? When did I get a black lab?

And the belly is sopping wet with stinky, gloppy mud.

And the paws... oh the paws.

So I went inside to get a big towel and came out to find out the source of her happiness.

Because two young boys, two strange cats, three chickens and an overzealous German Shepherd just weren't enough excitement for me.


  1. Pretty freaking glorious, I'd say.

  2. Oh boy. From afar the mud splashing is cute, but bathing a dirty puppy (again) is NOT fun.

    She has such sweet, intelligent eyes.

  3. Awesome! Nothing better than a dirty Lab, lol! My Australian Shepherd is constantly coming in with mud caked on her legs and "bib", and I couldn't understand why I had never had this problem before until my husband pointed out that we had never had a dog with white legs and chest before... DUH!!! Ignorance is bliss :)

  4. That lab is adorable mud and all.

  5. Our snow is melting here and our greyhounds are tracking mud in like crazy...yuck!
    Cute puppy!


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