Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Happy 1st Hatchday to my Girls!!!

Can you believe it? It's the chickens' 1st Hatchday today!!! It's hard to believe it's been an entire year since I brought home those tiny little fluffballs and stuck them in a tupperware box with a heat lamp and some pine shavings.

They went from tiny little peeping babies to big egg-laying, full-figured, fluffy-bummed inquisitive hens. And you know what? I've enjoyed every minute of owning them (save that time when we had really bad backyard flooding and I wanted to throw them over the fence to the neighbor's yard, but let's not bring that up).

Want to join me in a song to celebrate?

Happy Hatchday to you!
Happy Hatchday to you!
Happy Hatchday Maggie, Clementine and Sookie,
Happy Hatchday to you!

I wouldn't be me if I didn't share these pictures of them celebrating turning one year old! They got a hatchday brunch of cottage cheese, oats and green beans. As thanks they presented me with three perfect brown eggs for my collection in the fridge.

I know...I know...I know what you're thinking. You're shaking your head and saying that it's not a true hatchday without a cake, but I didn't want to get all crazy-chicken-lady on you. That would just be weird.


  1. Happy Hatchday Maggie, Clementine and Sookie! All of you look absolutely gorgeous in your hatchday finery.

  2. Thank God you know where to draw the line!

  3. YAY! Happy Hatchday! They are so cute and fuzzy...

  4. YOU getting crazy about your way! lol Adorable. I have enjoyed watching your girls grow.....nice reward from them for you loving them so much...

  5. OMG!! Its been a year!? HAPPY HATCH GIRLS!!!!

  6. KATE!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are crazy girlfriend.

    Ok, now share the cape sewing pattern so I can go dress up my girls. lol

    Happy Hatch Day!!

  7. Happy Hatchday girls, we ♥ you!

  8. Kate you are a hilarious person. Your chicken's Hatchday outfits confirm that you are a woman after my own heart. I found your blog after trying to find information about rogue tomato plants growing under my hose hanger. You apparently had the same experience last May. Thanks for sharing. I love your blog.


  9. It's me again - wanting a chicken picture - the one of the Buff. Do you mind if I post it on my blog?

  10. Thanks for all the kind words everyone!!

    Melissa - sure - you can use Clementine's birthday pic on your blog!


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