Saturday, March 27, 2010

Wildlife Weekend :: Eye Contact

Dogs don't make eye contact with you when they know they've done something wrong. It's a surefire bet that your dog has been up to no good if they won't even turn their head to face you. Case in point...

Don't look at her...

Don't look at her...

GAH! She's looking at me... must resist the urge to look at her.



Well I'm not THAT muddy, right?

Don't worry. It's just my face. I wouldn't let my whole body get muddy since you already gave me two baths today.



  1. I can laugh, 'cause she's not my dog :-D

  2. What a stinker!! Seems like her and Ollie share the love of mud. :)

  3. I thought, "oh that's not too bad" until I got to the shot of her legs and paws and belly, then couldn't stop laughing! I feel your pain, one of my dogs has white legs and paws and I know my other dog is JUST AS DIRTY, she just doesn't advertise it the way Marley does, LOL!

  4. She's really something. You know, my second child's early life was eerily like this. . .

  5. Oscar does the same thing. It makes it hard to be mad at them when they do that. So sorry about the mud.

  6. OMG, that is too funny! She can't hide anything with that coat she has...:P


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