Thursday, May 20, 2010

Apologies. . .

Apologies from me, the blog slacker. I keep meaning to write something spectacular and then life gets in the way. Next thing I know it's midnight and yet another blog-free day has gone by. Not that you all are on the edges of your seats wondering what's living (and dying) in my garden, but I feel like a slacker when I'm a sparse blogger. And sparse is being kind lately.

Maybe seeing how much my puppy is growing will make up for it? Maybe??

I promise I'll get back into the groove next week now that my work-at-home life is relaxing again. I've got all sorts of strange things going on in the garden that I want to share, so I'm planning on getting back into the swing of things next week.

Thanks all!


  1. Looks like that puppy may be keeping you busy too.

  2. I could copy and past that first paragraph into a blog post today, so I can relate.

  3. I have, actually, been wondering what devilment Saffie has been into lately. We'll be here patiently when you deign to toss us a post. . .


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