Saturday, November 15, 2008

Happy Bloom Day!

It's Garden Bloggers Bloom Day for November and time for me to lay it all out there for the world to see. I've never had a bloom-worthy Bloom Day, but I'm determined to participate every month, so here's what's blooming in our garden.

We still have a couple of large sunflowers clinging to life. They're supposed to be 8 to 10 feet tall, but we didn't get many over around 5 feet tall. Aidan likes the tall sunflowers that are bigger than him, so I'm glad we chose to grow these. Do you see the dirty neck on that kid? He knows how to play hard when we come outside.

And here's what's in the planter boxes out front. A handful of different colored impatiens and a purple pansy. Snore. At least they're alive and it's a nice splash of color in an otherwise very boring area.

I also have plenty of blooms on my tomato plants and bell pepper plants and a few random flowers that pop up on my one barely-alive pumpkin plant, but that's about it. I'll take what I can get.


Unknown said...

The Sunflower is pretty, the planters are pretty, BUT that kid with the dirt beads around his neck is a keeper! I look like that a lot!

nilla|utanpunkt said...

Hi! Was happy to find a fellow garden amateur (among all the pros out there, you sometimes feel a little lost). I love your writing, and I would have loved to read more, but I'm struggling with your blog. It's soooo sloooow to scroll. I wondered what it was, then I worked it out. You use large-sized images (1,37MB! each! that's a lot!) linked from photo storage sites (so they need to be imported from those external sites continously). If you feel I'm the only one with this problem, you may as well dismiss my comment. If I'm not, you may lose potential readers unless you try to resize your images (=get them down!), meant to go onto the blog. Your blog deserves it, it's great!!

Anonymous said...

What a cute photo! I remember getting dirty like that when I was a kid. Heck, I get like that when I'm planting sometimes now. :-)
Great sunflower!

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