Welcome to Garden Blogger's Death Day for the month of September, 2009! This is the day for gardeners who overwater, underwater, maim, prune or otherwise neglect their plants to a state of dismal droopage or untimely death. This is the day for gardeners like me with black thumbs who kill more than they cultivate, for cadmium-green-thumbed gardeners who have a lapse in judgment and commit accidental planticide, and for any poor soul whose plants fall victim to that fickle mother who controls us all - Mother Nature.

I am pleased to say that this is the first month that nothing has died in the garden, making me unable to participate in GBDD! I am ashamed to say that nothing died because we didn't have a garden this month. But I'm PROUD to say that we're planting our brand new square foot garden today (that I posted about last night) so hopefully we'll be back in the gardening game soon!
And if anyone needs any proof that I have anxiety about our new SFG setup failing miserably too, I had a dream last night that I was planting broccoli in the garden and the seedling wouldn't stand upright and kept flopping over. I decided to tie a brick to the roots to keep them down and as I did our neighbors houses exploded in big fireballs. I looked over my shoulder and a large alien ship was firing at the neighborhood. I knew my large floppy broccoli plant had hidden me from their view and saved our lives.
I seriously need garden therapy.
Kate, could you be any funnier? I think not. Why don't I have dreams like that? I posted something for GBDD. It was difficult to come up with something since I'm such a talented gardener (she said sarcasticlly), so it's not a great post.
LOL. I've heard of broccoli protecting you from cancer but aliens? I've never heard of that benefit before.
I've joined in again this month.
You are all consumed with your gardening....RELAX!! Great post!!
What a great dream! Probably psychologically significant on several levels. :)
My 'death' is up, come and see:
Nope, nothing for me either this month.
How cool is it by you today Kate? Seems like fall on my side of the coast.
Years ago, I worked holidays at a florist. High School football fans would call up, wanting to send 'dead flowers' to opponents. Mr. Ramon always refused, saying that he sent only the best and would never, ever send out dead flowers.
I cannot bring myself to show dead in my garden. Senescense, maybe: seed pods, falling leaves, exfoliating tree trunks on the crape myrtles; but not dead. Not that I don't have plenty of dead, you're just not to see it.
I came here by way of Donna's blog, Mamma Mia Days.
Funny stuff. I have dreams like that. Maybe your neighbors might want to take up gardening also?
Check out my chicken and collards rap... an homage to my fickle friends who hated my garden.
That's okay. Two nights ago I dreamed that someone had stole one of my beds and was hiding it from me.
I had a fit. Boy is it funny watching yourself pitch a fit in your dreams.
My post is up, I commented earlier, but maybe my comment 'died' somewhere in cyberspace.
love your dream!
my puny deathis up!: http://muumsmusings.blogspot.com/2009/09/garden-bloggers-death-day-for-september.html
With a little help from our livestock my garden is now almost completely dead, what could be more appropriate for my first 'death day' post!
what are you eating before bed? LOL Im so excited for your SFG!!
Heres my death day post. better late than never!
THANK YOU to everyone who participated in this month's GBDD! Apparently fall is the time for the seasonal death to start up north, but it's the time for me to start planting!!
Nell Jean - the idea of showing our garden death is just to show that no gardener is perfect and to give new gardeners (and old) some photos to show you're not alone when you find a shriveled plant in your garden.
I do have to award the BEST entry to Savannah Scrapbooking for the chicken and collards death day rap - LOL.
Thanks all!!!
Sounds like an action packed gardener's movie you were dreaming about :)
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