Luckily for me and the chickens, an ER visit for a splinter in the eye
didn't dissuade him from finishing the project. And the 100+ degree "feels like" temperatures of a hot Florida August didn't cause him to throw in the towel. He kept on plugging away out there in the yard while the chickens looked on and dammit if he didn't build a chicken run all by himself!

Funnily enough, he built the entire chicken run without the use of a level or plans. He had a sketch on a piece of paper and some power tools and somehow it all came together. The chickens now have a wonderful 6 foot tall, 8 foot wide by 12 foot long chicken run. It's attached to their coop and has two little perches that they so far refuse to use. We still have to dig in the fencing into the ground at the base of the coop to make it predator-proof and Farmer B has big plans for the roof that involve shingles and large sheets of plywood, but those projects are on the to-do list for later this month. Oh and there's the several yards of construction sand for the flooring that will be delivered once this is all finished.

Farmer B even built a cute little pop door in the side of the coop that opens up into a skid-proof ramp. When I open the door in the morning all three chickens shoot out of that opening like three bullets, never touching the ramp on the way down. This has made looking after the chickens so much easier!

Am I the luckiest chicken-owning wife in the world or what?
Farmer B is a good man, enduring the August heat building that for ya. Didn't use a level, huh? He must have a good eye (the one without the splinter). Can't wait to see those raised beds later!
I should say you are! Your husband should be very proud of himself...and let him wear your hat every once in awhile. LOL
That is a great chicken run kate!!! Farmer B is awesome!! Cant wait to see the finished project! :)
Awesome job Farmer B! :)
Congrats to the girls on their new digs, and a pat on the back for Farmer B!
Nice chicken run!
It looks fantastic! My husband was sitting next to me so OF COURSE I had to link back to your eye splnter post and he was wincing all through it!
Great job!
How many chickens in your flock?
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