Welcome to Garden Blogger's Death Day for the month of August, 2009! This is the day for gardeners who overwater, underwater, maim, prune or otherwise neglect their plants to a state of dismal droopage or untimely death. This is the day for gardeners like me with black thumbs who kill more than they cultivate, for cadmium-green-thumbed gardeners who have a lapse in judgment and commit accidental planticide, and for any poor soul whose plants fall victim to that fickle mother who controls us all - Mother Nature.

I have an admission to make that I've honestly been scared to mention on this blog. I took a blogcation earlier this month to focus on the boys with school starting...and it turns out that I took a month-long vacation from the garden without realizing what distasterous effects would come from it. Yep, I went one full month without setting foot in the garden. It didn't seem like a bad thing at the time. The sunflowers had wilted. The okra had seen better days. So I figured, what could be the harm?
Well this could be the harm. This is what a month straight of sunny days, lots of rain and no weed control will do to a garden.

I am embarrased to show this to you all. This is a gardening blog and my garden could indeed be housing a Yeti and I'd never know it. We've spent all of our free time building a chicken run (done!) and Farmer B and the boys have been digging trenches to expand our French Drain system through the rest of the yard (without paying to have it done like we did last time - VERY time consuming, but a HUGE money saver). So the garden just kind of sat...and well...you see what happened.
The French Drain addition should be finished by next weekend and then Farmer B is going to work on the raised beds so we can begin SFG for the first time!! We're going to pull up the garden fence, mow the garden, till it in, mulch it and then build the boxes on top. So we have a plan, but right now all we have is death.
Big. Fat. Gardening. Death.
So how about all of you? What fell victim to your gardening wrath this month? Feel free to leave a comment with a link to your blog showing what you killed or maimed this month. We're here for you. Let's not judge, but support each other like a good pair of pantyhose or a well-staked garden trellis.
here is my death for this month. Its mt 1st and for some reason I am happy about it, LOL
you'll love SFG one word of advise before you start. In squares you are putting root veggies in, double the box height. We learned that the hard way(short stumpy carrots, LOL) GL!!
You're gonna love the raised beds Kate! They make all the difference.
Nothing growin' on my end, so I got nada for GBDD.
Oh the horrors I've seen in my garden this month. I don't have any killer weeds like you do, but I do have so many other kinds of death.
I am battling Late Blight and Squash Vine Borers in my garden. Plenty of death and destruction over there!
SFG? cool! Gotta have like fifty-eleven trellises, too!
Death has taken its toll in my garden this month, Kate. You can view the destruction at http://annieskitchengarden.blogspot.com/2009/08/auguts-31-2009-garden-bloggers-death.html
YAY! I'm so happy to finally have a death day share. ;)
Well, my garden is a mess as well. I'm almost glad that I have to rest after surgery and can't make it out there! I keep forgetting to join in on your death day, and what a pity since I usually have so much to contribute!
Happy Gardening,
Hmm my link didn't work to my Death Day post. Ah well I'll just put the URL up instead.
Here is our major failure for the year....
Oh, Kate, your garden photo was so funny. I could only come up with one photo for GBDD, but that's not because I'm a great gardener. It's because I don't remember to take the pictures. Hope your little guys got off to a good start at their schools.
=) Great blog...my death this month were my cucumber plant that just stopped producing and my first ever pepper tree =)
Um, I think I love this!! Of course I'm sad for you, but glad that there are real people out there who struggle with the same things I do!
It's a good thing I enjoy horror films. LOL! I wish I'd discovered GBDD sooner! I found my way here via Daphne's Dandelions. Enjoyed visiting your blog. We've had a trying summer in our Seattle garden.
My main problems been rabbits this year, i have cured this by building a new fence.
This has helped my vegtables
I'm so glad I found this blog! Like you, I had grand visions of producing a ton of vegetables in my garden and rarely stepping foot in the grocery store. We would be dead from starvation at this point if I had stopped going to the store.
Can't wait to join your next Death Day. I'm sure I'll have plenty to share. :/
I'm late, but my potatoes are mushy, so it all works out, right? check it out at http://muumsmusings.blogspot.com/2009/09/fail-fail-fail-garden-bloggers-death.html
sorry about your veggie garden. Sometimes it is hard to keep up on everything in the yard/garden.
Ha! Oh well. Sometimes it's the times of neglect that result in nice suprises, like "oh, that's a really cool mushroom" or the unchecked growth of some neat seedling that otherwise would have weeded away. There's got to be some positive spin on this...
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