Saffron's hind legs are still entirely too long for her body, but I'm confident that she'll grow into them before the end of the year. She doesn't trip over them nearly as much as she used to, but she still has trouble trying to figure out what to do with those lanky things when she's sitting.

She still eats everything in sight in the house and my day consists of saying "Aaat! Drop it!" about a thousand times an hour, especially since I have small boys and the floors are dotted with army men, legos and various small plastic guns that go with "guys" - apparently they are all delicious. And yes, she picks up every. single. thing.
Puppies really are more work than anyone can imagine. But thankfully most turn into dogs and as most dogs owners can tell you, dogs are generally fun to have around.
Saffie still has a very goofy side to her. She likes to do her Wilbur the Pig impression while laying on her back.

And when the boys start school next week I promised her I'd start a new trend of taking her for a walk every morning after school drop-off. Rommel may choose not to go. He enjoys a walk, but seems to enjoy his puppy-free moments a little more. Every moment the two are together looks like this.

The good news is they are just playing. The bad news is that Rommel often gets so irritated that he plays to win. So far it's been nothing a little Neosporin can't fix.
But as this is officially a gardening blog and not a puppy-raising blog, I am already planning the removal of the summer garden and the planting of the fall garden. I'll admit to being a little afraid of the overgrown summer garden. I fear I'll need to tie a rope to my waist before I go in… Wish me luck! I'm sure to need it.
Awwwww, Saffron sure is adorable. And playful!
Sweet puppy. Spay her and she won't sprout at all! ;)
I have five dogs and they make gardening even more fun, except when Scout rolls his big furry butt around in the liatris....! Saffron is really cute! Has she eaten anything electronic yet? Is your remote missing?? :0)
Oh she is so cute! Around here it is constantly "Leave IT! LEEEAAAVE IT!! :)
Please don't stop posting about the puppy-dog! I would be heartbroken if I didn't hear any more about Saffron's antics, especially because it makes my two puppy-dogs look like angels... which they greatly appreciate. (^: (They just haven't had access to Florida mud, I think that would even things up) We have the mantra: "Drop it, drop it... I mean it, drop it!" at our house, times 2.
I love her big smile! When Annie and Otto do that, I yell "DOGGIE DENTURES!!!", which Mr. Granny doesn't find a bit amusing. I just love that commercial :-D
She is growing like a weed though!
What a beautiful goofball!
Kate, it was so AWESOME meeting your mom yesterday! We could have sat there and talked for hours. What a treasure you have in her. :)
Awww, she is so adorable sitting with those sprawled-out legs! Love her Wilbur poses. Hahaha! We have a lot of "Leave it!" around here too.
I was just thinking about how much I missed these puppy posts. Puppy, heck, she's nearly a dog. But Labs just stay puppies for so. very. long.
I enjoyed reading about Saffron - she looks like so much fun. My dog was a rescue and was over 2 years old when we got her, so I haven't been through the puppy stage, but I can imagine how much trouble it must be.
aww, a happy little thing!
You ok Kate?
I was wondering the same. Even if the gardening has ended, I miss your puppy and chicken updates. We just love ya, Kate!
Ok crazy lady....we're starting to worry about you. Hope all is ok. You need to write something, because I haven't had a good laugh in a while...
I forgot to mention in my last comment how much your pup has grown. Our Heidi just turned 7, and still has some pup in her. She doesn't eat non food things, but picks things up and carries them around. She will pick up a shoe and put it somewhere else, so I have single shoes here and there.
I love your photos!
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